Yes, THE AQUINAS knows that he has not been updating thehornbillspeaks for what, 5 months? Guess what, he won't be dishing out excuses to justify his absence like Oprah Winfrey giving away Volkswagen New Beetles, instead he would attempt his best to write an entertaining post for the reading pleasure of anyone who comes across this blog of his (THE AQUINAS himself included).
As the title suggests, THE AQUINAS is interested to address a contemporary trend, whereby hatred, disdain and disgust could as well be one's ticket to fame and most probably, even success. It is somewhat a 21st century "thing" to be well-known just because one becomes a magnet of disgust and ill-feeling. THE AQUINAS opines that there are several reasons leading to this trend. To make things interesting, THE AQUINAS shall disclose the reasons in the form of real life personalities! That would illustrate things better, don't they?
CASE-IN-POINT ONE : Thou shall become the object of hatred because thou attempted to sing, even though thou cannot do so.
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Miss Black exploded ever since, having appeared in Katy Perry's Last Friday Night music video. This is somewhat of a rubber stamp, not yet a cornerstone of how big she really is - all thanks to her rise as an object of hatred. Her latest music video, My Moment was in fact quite decent compared to her initial track. Well, at least there are now two words in her chorus. *APPLAUSE
CASE-IN-POINT TWO: Thou shall become the object of disdain because thou assumed a foreign fad, claim as it thou own and pray to become notorious for it.
Korean pop, or better known as Kpop has spread seen its popularity, or frighteningly, its influence across the Asian continent. To be honest, THE AQUINAS in not a fan of this particular genre. THE AQUINAS finds it hard to celebrate a genre which has its myriad of songs that sound pretty much similar to one another, same dance moves in one video to another, the hospital scenes, the rain, the leaves that fall from a random tree to a random street and so forth.
The worst of all possible outcomes has now come upon us: we now have our very own Kpop band - enter Max 24:7 and Gula-Gula. The former is a 12-member boy band who had themselves publicised as "12 jejaka kacak". To see them for yourself, search Anti 24:7 on your facebook. You'll love what you see. The latter, on the other hand, is a 6-member all-female band, who made a name for themselves mostly via late morning talk-shows (and even danced in one. It was scintillating).
Both Max 24:7 and Gula-gula has grown into a target of disdain. This is due to the notion that they are trying to replicate themselves after the Kpop boy-bands and girl-groups - and attempting to project themselves as an instant favourite among local music aficionados. To these people, it is similar to force-feeding oneself with kimchi fried with sambal. How's that for a combination?
Alright THE AQUINAS admits it, he was not at all sincere with the "scintillating" part. In his opinion, these two groups should go back to the drawing board. As a performer cum entertainer, a perfect entertainment that is worth your audience's money and time is something that we expect from you. THE AQUINAS could forgive the singing (who sings well nowadays anyway) since you have Autotune at your disposal. But could you please work on your entertainment value, let's say your dance, for instance? Have you ever heard of choreography? Heck, THE AQUINAS is not even sure whether these two acts will have that much of a staying power. To add insult to injury, they are modelling themselves after a genre that does not have a staying power in our local scene itself. Remember the reality-TV fad, circa 2000-2006? Remember FO-3, Bayu etc?
CASE-IN-POINT THREE: Thou shall become the object of hatred, disdain and disgust for whatever reason that might be.
A picture says a thousand words.
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THE AQUINAS has spoken.